Monday 15 October 2012

Entertainment Through the Year


ICT has impacted entertainment and leisure by developing the different ways in which we spend our time. With the use of new technologies, the ways in which we entertain ourselves has increased and improved. The development of digital video games and television has made people to prefer stay more inside their houses and have a leisure time than actually going out.

Entertainment Technology Timeline:

1870's - Inventors Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell both independently designed devices that
              could transmit speech electrically (the telephone).
1890's - Radio communication using Morse Code.
1900's - Guglielmo Marconi receives the first trans-Atlantic radio signal.
              At the World's Fair in Paris, the first International Congress of Electricity was held. That is
              where Russian Constantin Perskyi made the first known use of the word "television."
1910's - First commercial installation of a printing telegraph (teleprinter)
1920's - Hundreds of radio stations emerge in the U.S.A.
              Lee De Forest develops a sound system for motion pictures.
              The B.B.C. begins broadcasting from London. Philo T. Farnsworth, after moving from Utah

              to San Francisco, California, invents his electronic television system and early t.v. cameras
              using a prototype of the Farnsworth image disector tube.
1930's - RCA introduces electronic television at the New York World Fair, later agreeing to pay
              Philo T. Farnsworth for his patented inventions.
1940's - Calculation by computer begins at the University of Pennsylvania.
1950's - Development of microprocessor technologies.
              I.B.M. introduces the first fixed hard disk drive, the one-ton 5 MB RAMAC.

1971 - Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney form Syzygy, create the first arcade game, coin-operated
           Computer Space.
1977 - Apple Computer releases Apple II computer.
1979 - Atari releases its 400 and 800 computers.
1981 - Video game industry at $6MMM: $5MMM coin-operated, $1MMM home.
1982 - Microsoft releases Flight Simulator.
1983 - Modern Internet communication is born.
1984 - Apple Computer releases Macintosh computer.
1985 - Nintendo repackaged its Japanese Famicom for the U.S.A. market, creating the Nintendo
           Entertainment System (N.E.S.) in U.S.A
1989 - Nintendo releases its Game Boy, its first-generation (G1) handheld game.
1990 - Microsoft releases its Windows Game Pack.
1991 - Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.
1995 - Sony releases PlayStation (P.S.X.), its first-generation (G1) home game console.
2000 - Sony releases PlayStation 2 (P.S.2), its second-generation (G2) home game console.
2001 - Microsoft releases Xbox in U.S.A.
2004 - Game software industry at $25.4MMM.
2005 - Microsoft releases Xbox 360, its second-generation (G2) console.
2006 - Nintendo releases Wii, its fifth-generation (G5) home game console.


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