Wednesday 12 December 2012

Entertainment & Leisure

How has the Entertainment and Leisure industry changed?

Access to Original Entertainment

Technology has massively influenced the entertainment and leisure world.

·         It has changed the way radio, film and television are broadcasted. This is because of the introduction of digital television, digital radio, digital films and digital games.

·         The digital recording has helped the professionals and beginners to record videos or sounds easily. They are also able to broadcast or upload their works online or broadcast it on radio and television.

·         Videos and Films have also changed because of technology. They are now available in different formats from DVD to HD-DVD and to Blu Ray. They can also be viewed online in different film viewing services.

·         Satellite and Freeview Television have also improved. People are now allowed to record television programmes easy and simple without the use of video recorder. There are now HD televisions and some companies are now offering 3D televisions. The television companies are also offering red button where users can click it if they want to watch a live coverage programmes or special TV offers.

Pirated Entertainment

·         The advantage of paying a supplier such as Apple for a legal music is it avoids people from breaking the law of downloading illegal music. It is also cheap and people can buy how many songs they like from an album without the need of buying the whole of it Another advantage is it supports the artists that people like.

·         The disadvantage of buying a pirated DVD from a market stall is it is illegal. It does not also guarantee that you will be able to get a high quality DVD.

·         The disadvantage of getting a pirate download of the latest Hollywood blockbuster before its UK release is it is illegal. It is also not a good quality and people might be affected of computer virus for downloading.

·         The main disadvantage of visiting an illicit music download site is the virus it spreads online that affect people’s computers or laptops.

·         The widespread illicit downloading can discourage the funding of new talent. This is because illegally downloading a song does not support the artist who owns it therefore this affects the funding of new talent.

Creating a website that allows people to illegally watch free movies can lead to legal disputes. A Sheffield Hallam University student faced copyrights offences in US courts for making a website that illegally allows people to watch tv programmes for free online. This shows that technology not only improved the entertainment and leisure indsutry but it also brings negative impacts.

Impact of games players

ICT has also a big impact in home games. Technology has made computer games so popular. Based on the New Scientist article, $3.8 thousand millions of games were sold in 1995 and increased to $7 thousand millions by 2003.

·         Computer games are so popular now because of the different wide range of games introduced. There are different games genres that are available to any age groups. They are fun to play and some are challenging which most people find fascinating.

·         Some researchers argue that violent computer games make some players more violent. A study from Brock University in Canada found that those teenagers who play violent games over a long period may become more likely to react aggressively to unintentional provocations.

·         Computer games may make people isolated especially when they play games that are addictive and also games that require time.

·         If players play too much of networked computer games, they may be more likely to be less social and spend their time playing. Some people find enough satisfaction by only playing computer games more than meeting their friends.


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