Thursday 15 November 2012


The iPhone is a line of smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc.
It runs Apple's iOS mobile operating system, originally named "iPhone OS".

Apple has become more famous when iPhone is introduced in 2007 and the company's loyal customers have increased. The company has also introduced more generations of iPhone like iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and now the sixth generation is iPhone 5.

Behind the success of iPhone are the different issues that Apple has to deal:

* The workers of Foxconn which is the manufacturer of iPhone in Taiwan started a strike. Foxconn's close links with Apple have been a headache for the California-based company and its chief executive, Tim Cook, visited an iPhone factory in Zhengzhou to try to shore up the damage from the public relations disaster. This sort of press reporting is bad because it could damage Apple’s brand name. This sort press reporting is bad for Apple because it affects the image of their brand and they may lose customers.

* The new iPhone has turned Apple being rotten to directions. There were some of the gaffes exposed on the tech giant’s own mapping app, which replaced Google Maps as part of the iOS6 operating system. Some towns including Stratford-upon-Avon have disappeared completely. An Apple spokeswoman admitted over night that the Maps app needs work. "We launched this new map service knowing that it is a major initiative and we are just getting started with it," said Trudy Muller. "We are continuously improving it, and as Maps is a cloud-based solution, the more people use it, the better it will get." This kind of reporting is bad for Apple because the new iPhone upsets many customers and as an increasing of competition in the electronics industry especially smartphones, Apple’s loyal customers may withdraw themselves from being loyal to them and start to buy from other smartphone companies.

*  Apple is also in the middle of law battle with its rival Samsung. Samsung has added Apple's latest handset to a US patent lawsuit claiming the iPhone 5 infringes eight of its technologies. These two companies have been battling for patent wars. Apple has claimed that the Samsung’s Galaxy device maker copied the look and iOS system software found on Apple’s tablets and handsets. Although several of Apple's claims have been rejected, it recently scored a major victory when a California-based jury ruled Samsung should pay it over $1bn (£620m) in damages. Copyright is the biggest issue inside of the technology world. Apple has been fighting and solving issues regarding copyrights through legal disputes and other legal processes in order to protect iPhone and other of their products.


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