Tuesday 20 November 2012

Life in the Information Age - Education

Life in the Information Age - Education

The education has changed because of ICT. There is now online education, online exams, Virtual Learning Environments or Moodle, education softwares and electronic education equipments such as electronic whiteboards.

ICT has made it easier to access education. Internet is also offers easy access to unlimited libraries of information. However the there are also disadvantages of this in education. For example some schools cannot afford all the best software and equipment. There are so many educational media that make it difficult to ensure any form of standardised quality of experience for students.

Another issue that concerns the impact of ICT in education is many learners use the internet as the main source of information. Some students copy information from the worl wide web without quoting the source of information and this causes them to charge of plagiarisms. Another problems is that many information providers are finding means of charging for their information that had previously been free. It is also easy to publish on the internet and therefore it is easy to publish inaccurate, biased and fake informations on  the web.

So how can we assess that the information online is real and not fake?

Task: Finding reliable, valid information

One of the possible signs that a website gives false information is when it gives information that is impossible to believe. Some of the untrusted websites only give information that offer amusement and try to fool the readers. When a website gives nonsense information then it is a sign that it is not real.

List of famous hoax sites:


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