Tuesday 22 January 2013

Civil Rights

Civil rights refer to the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality.
ICT has also an impact to civil rights. Technology is used to monitor and control people in order to keep society safe. Data or information of people are monitored or can be gathered and this compromises the people's right to privacy and civil right as a whole.


  • One of the issue that affected by the ICT is the gay rights. The article below shows how information gathered from a newspaper could lead to a murder of a gay activist. It also shows how a petition against Uganda's anti-homosexuality bill can be done online.

  • Another issue that affected by the technology is the rights of neighbours. The article below shows how a factory worker woman created noise nuisance that affected her neighbours in Strafforshire. She continued to persist her behaviour and as a result the Environmental Health Officers put up a monitoring equipment in a neighbour's home to monitor noise nuisance.

  • Technology also helps to regulate the safety of people. The article below shows how the US government planning to change their gun laws. As a result of a terrible incident wherein a man killed 20 children and six adults with an assault rifle, the US president is negotiating with the congress to ban assault weapons and reinstate strict background checks on those people who are buying high-capacity guns. The strict background checks could help to stop crime such as murder.

  • Another issue that affected by the technology is the rights of job seekers. The UK government launched a jobwatch website where job seekers need to use it to apply for three jobs every week. If they fail to do this then they will be withdrawn from their benefits.

  • Some countries issue death penalty for homosexual acts whilst other countries do not have any legislation for homosexuality. The article below shows the different legislation about homosexuality in different countries:

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