Tuesday 29 January 2013

Unit 1.3 Digital Divide - Worldwide

ICT can be very empowering for example, it can be cost-effective.

Digital broadcasting is an example of both of an empowering technology and of the political barriers that sometimes may stall the elimination of the digital divide. Satellite broadcasting allows geographically remote areas to receive news and information in a manner that was previously unavailable or difficult to achieve. This provides educational, entertainment and informative benefits for the populations of otherwise remote places.
However, in some states such as some in the Middle East and North Africa, digital TV is a major problem this is because access to Western values and norm is not universally regarded as a good thing.

Mobile Phones:
The use of cellular phones has improved the quality of life in rural Pakistan and Bangladesh because it allows people to stay in touch in remote areas.

Low technology solutions are not the only answer to problems. A major challenge often comes in the form of governments of the under-served nations.

Case Study: Laos

Source: Applied ICT book

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