Thursday 31 January 2013

Unit 1.4 Local Divide

Bridging the Gap: Examples of Initiatives

There have been and still are numerous initiatives to bridge the gap sponsored by the national government, local government, private industry and charities. These are:

  • UK Online is a major government project started in 2001 and this give access to people in the community to help them learn new ICT skills.
  • University for Indutry(Ufi) is a partnership between the government and private industry aimed at improving job prospects for individuals and bossting competitiveness for businesses through the use of Learn Direct centres.
  • Learn Direct aims to teach adults on how to use ICT.
  • British Educational Communication and Technology Association (BECTA) aims to help education professionals such as teachers to make the most of ICT.
  • Wired up Communities initiative connects seven disadvantaged communities to the internet to test what impact this would have on their lives.
  • Computers within reach is an initiative  aimed at helping learners on benefits by enhancing their employment prospects and learning opportunities through providing  access to computers.
  • Get Started campaign aims at giving a kick start to access for the elderly, the unemployed, the disabled and other disadvantaged groups to show them the benefits from accessing IT.
  • Community Access to Lifelong Learning(CALL) aims to enable schools, libraries and other lifelong learning institutions to become conneceted to the internet.

Learn Direct
What is its purpose?
- Aim to transform the skills and productivity of the working population by using technology to bring people together to work, share and learn online.
How it relates to the digital divide?
- This relates to digital divide because it helps UK to reduce digital divide by helping people to learn ICT.
Who are its main target clients?
- It specialises in teaching adults on how to use ICT in school, libraries and colleges. It is also working with businesses to provide them with the skilled staff they need to thrive
What are its strengths and weaknesses?
- One strength of learn direct is it helps people to learn how to use ICT in order to find a job online. This also helps reduce digital divide in the UK. Another stregth is it also provides qualification that can be used in finding a job.
-One weakness of learn direct is it does not provide online lessons and the learners still need to go school, libraries and colleges.
What improvements could be made?
- One improvement that could be made is it should provide online lessons for the learners who are not able to go to learn direct centres.

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